
Ready Stock Mandarin Dictionary for HSK: 《新 HSK 词汇突破(6 级)》 Vocab of New HSK Vol. 6 (Chinese- English) 2nd edition

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推荐书:《新 HSK 词汇突破(6 级)》

Vocabulary of New HSK Vol. 6(Chinese- English) 2nd edition

《新 HSK 词汇突破(6 级)》适合参加 HSK 汉语考试考生使用,特别针对第一至第三级的考试词汇准备。此书拥有完整考试所概括的词汇范围,附词汇拼音与英文翻译与解释,并以例句来强化考试对该词汇的理解。可以随身携带复习背诵,加强开始准备与信心。


New HSK Vocabulary Dictionary is suitable for those who will sign up for HSK L6 examination candidates.This dictionary can help student in building their confidence in answering questions in exams.This is due to this dictionary will help in boosting student's memory and understanding of HSK common vocabularies. In fact, the content includes english and chinese translation which will help candidates understand better about the meaning of each vocabulary, together with examples provided. This pocket dictionary is easy to carry around so students can revise in anytime and at any place!

The selling price is RM42 with a total of 532 pages.

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