The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Exam) is an official test system of Chinese language set by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is an international Mandarin language testing system and is required by most of universities in China as the entry requirement for those who wish to enroll into mandarin-medium courses in China´s universities and work in China.
For your information, EDU Mandarin is one of the institutions that provide consultations, registration, spelling of related books services for HSK Exam in Kuala Lumpur. Contact us if you wish to sit in near future.
上周,有家长致电询问卓越汉语,告知一班欲让孩子在中学高级学校继续修读华语的家长,必须在“HSK" 与 “IGCSE Mandarin as First Language"间为孩子做出选择。
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HSK Examination Books (All Collections)

KSSR Picture Dictionary (Malay, English and Mandarin)(KSSR 图画词典 第7版 (国文-英文-华文))

(Ready Stock) HSK Kosa Kata Versi Bahasa Melayu Tahap 1-3 HSK 词汇突破马来语版 初学者成人小孩中文华语华文

(Ready Stock) Chinese Book for HSK 5: New HSK Test Analysis Level 5《新HSK 应试全解析 五级》成人中文华语华文

HSK标准教程1 教师用书 HSK Teacher Book 1

(Ready Stock) Chinese Textbook for IGCSE / HSK/ AS: Easy Steps to Chinese Textbook 5 轻松学中文 课本 5

(Ready Stock) Chinese Textbook for IGCSE / HSK/ AS: Easy Steps to Chinese Textbook 1 轻松学中文 课本 1

(Ready Stock) Chinese Workbook for IGCSE / HSK/ AS: Easy Steps to Chinese Workbook 3 轻松学中文 练习册 3

家有儿女 2 Home with Kids Book 2

Graphic Vocabulary level for Youth Chinese Test (YCT) 3 / YCT图解词汇手册(3级)YCT graphic vocabulary 3

(Course + Material) Basic Mandarin: HSK2 Preparation Class, our Level 2 Part 2