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HSK 语法精讲精练 Practising HSK Grammar

US$ 14.50
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If you are a Chinese School student and your Mandarin is good. You don't have issue to take Mandarin exams, but just need to polish up a bit on the your grammar part?

<Practising HSK Grammar> is a reference book that focus more on grammars. It also have English explanation. Hence, students can easily improve Mandarin by using both languages.

Suitable for HSK 4,5 & 6 candidates and also teachers.

Targeted groups: Beginners (15 years old and above), around SMJK PT3  standard




适合: 初级(15岁或以上),约马来西亚国民型中学PT3程度

售价 RM 58,总页数:252

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