本书是针对剑桥大学国际考试中文第二语言(IGCSE 0523)的听力和阅读模拟试题集,根据 IGCSE 0523新大纲(2020年首次考试)考试要求编写。
关于作者冯薇薇(Vivienne Fung),有近二十年的1GCSE中文课程教学经验,曾参与IGCSE 0523课程的初始设计,并参与编著英基协会学校内部《 IGCSE 0523教学资源》和试题样卷。
About this book
This book is a set of simulated listening and reading test questions for the Cambridge University International Examination in Chinese as a Second Language (IGCSE 0523). It is compiled according to the requirements of the IGCSE 0523 new syllabus (the first exam in 2020).
This book contains 20 sets of listening simulation questions and 10 sets of reading simulation questions, which are designed to train candidates' listening and reading comprehension abilities, help candidates familiarize themselves with the test question types and test procedures, and successfully play their true level in the test and achieve ideal results.
About the author:
Vivienne Fung, has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in the IGCSE Chinese course, participated in the initial design of the IGCSE 0523 course, and participated in the compilation of the internal "IGCSE 0523 Teaching Resources" and sample papers of the English Foundation School.