
Chinese Textbook for International School (IGCSE, IB): Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 1b textbook《轻松学中文》1b 课本(少儿版)

US$ 19.50
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"Easy Steps to Chinese for kids" is suitable for  kid  (4-8 years old) to build a solid foundation in Mandarin. The book includes listening, speaking, reading and writing to develop Mandarin language skill for kids. Each of the lesson has contain a variety of activities such as songs, games and handworks, it motivates kids to learn and have a positive attitude when they learn in Mandarin. In course design part, each of the unit is continuous and ongoing, so it can make easy for the kids.  

The lessons covered by “Easy Steps to Chinese for kids" (1b) include:

1. Mum and dad

2. Brother and sisters

3. Part of the body (1)

4. Part of the body (2)

5. Pets

6. Colours

7. Fruit

Chinese Culture- Chinese New Year

Suitable for those who learn mandarin as second language especially the IGCSE / IB and HSK (level-3) students

* Please be informed that the textbook and workbook are sold separately

Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press

The selling price is RM 78

《轻松学中文 》(第二册)是一套为4岁至8岁孩童 (汉语非母语) 所编写的辅助教材,能够帮助孩童在学习汉语中奠定良好的基础。 本书内容编排着重于孩童对汉语听、 说、 读、 写的能力来提升他们的汉语水平。书中每个单元都配有歌曲、手工、游戏,使课文内容变得活泼生动,可增加学生对课堂的参与感以及对汉语的学习抱有积极的态度。在课程设计方面,课文依据孩童的学习节奏来而设,单元与单元之间的内容都有连贯,有助于孩童能够掌握和巩固学习的内容。

《轻松学中文 1b》课文目录如下:

1. 爸爸、妈妈

2. 哥哥、姐姐

3. 眼睛、鼻子

4. 头和手

5. 猫和狗

6. 红色、蓝色

7. 苹果、香蕉



售价:RM 78

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