The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Exam) is an official test system of Chinese language set by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is an international Mandarin language testing system and is required by most of universities in China as the entry requirement for those who wish to enroll into mandarin-medium courses in China´s universities and work in China.
For your information, EDU Mandarin is one of the institutions that provide consultations, registration, spelling of related books services for HSK Exam in Kuala Lumpur. Contact us if you wish to sit in near future.
上周,有家长致电询问卓越汉语,告知一班欲让孩子在中学高级学校继续修读华语的家长,必须在“HSK" 与 “IGCSE Mandarin as First Language"间为孩子做出选择。
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HSK Examination Books (All Collections)

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事——五十知命 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:People in Their 50s

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事(第二辑)——四十不惑 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:People in Their 40s

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事——三十而立 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:People in Their 30s

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事-社会万象 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:Social Phenomenon

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事-多彩文化 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:Colorful Culture

(Ready Stock) 中国人的生活故事-世间风景 Stories of Chinese People's Lives:World Landscape

(Odonata Publication 红蜻蜓出版社): 读故事学认字 300 字卡 Reading Program Flash Card (300 words)