
(红蜻蜓出版社 Odonata) : 明明和丽丽:读故事学认字 400 字 400 Words Additional Reading

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This is an additional reading material for Mingming Lili chinese characters recognition series, allowing your children to easily review the Chinese characters they have learned.







This series of additional reading materials allows children to experience fun learning, on the other hand, it can also ensure that children can more easily connect to primary school curriculum in the future. 

In addition, each reading book is also appended with a learning assessment form for teachers to easily assess the child's learning progress. Children’s love for stories is like an innate instinct. According to many years of research in early childhood education abroad, when children are still in a stage where they can’t recognize words and cannot read independently, “reading stories” is important for cultivating children’s reading. 

Interest is a vital key. "Mingming and Lili: Reading Stories to Learn Characters" series is different from most literacy books on the market. It uses children's favorite stories as a medium, and cleverly combines graphic content and recognizing new words, allowing children to "read a story" ,  and will not feel pressured or repelled by reading due to the boring process of word recognition. 

Through simple words, children can learn new words after reading several times, which not only enhances children's sense of accomplishment, but also enables children to achieve good literacy effects in reading. "Mingming and Lili: Reading Stories and Recognizing Characters" has a full set of twelve books, starting from the "first 100 characters" and ending with "1200 characters", gradually allowing children to master frequently used new characters. In addition to reading books, this series also introduces new word cards for teachers to use as teaching aids.


★ 生字以日常用字为主,可学以致用 ★


 故事情境贴近孩子生活 ★


 故事融入正确价值观,培养良好情商 ★


 插图精致可爱,人物形象鲜明 ★


 穿插多元作业与活动 ★


 搭配生字卡 ★


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