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(Ready Stock) 来华留学生专业汉语学习丛书: 物理一点通

RM 17.00
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This book, as a professional guidance book for international students in China in the physics course of science and engineering students, covers the core content of mechanics, electricity, optics and other core parts of the physics professional knowledge. It is carried out at the level of high school and university knowledge on the basis of the syllabus To expand and extend, can help students to understand the core knowledge points.

1. 紧扣教学大纲,精讲核心知识点;

2. 上下双向延伸,辅助扩展知识面;

3. 全书拼音标注,消除阅读障碍;

4. 搭配专业教材,深度理解知识。


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