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Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture: History《中华思想文化术语》历史卷 (中英对照)

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Solidified in the form of words or phrases, Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture comprises the core beliefs and expressions of the Chinese people. From 2014 to 2010, 900 such concepts had been selected, explained, translated and published and now they are categorized into three separate ChineseEnglish bilingual volumes: Philosophy, History and Literature and Art, with additional indexes appended at the end of each volume for easy searching. These concepts can promote the exchange between Chinese and other cultures and enhance the mutual understanding between the Chinese and other people.

 “中华思想文化术语”是由中华民族所创造或构建,凝聚、浓缩了中华哲学思想、人文精神、思维方式、价值观念, 以词或短语形式固化的概念和核心词。本套书共收录专家团队在 2014 至 2020 年间整理、诠释和翻译的 900 条术语, 按学科分类辑为“历史”“哲学”“文艺”三卷,各卷均按中文条目拼音排序以便于查找,并附有多种索引以满足不 同需求。这些术语有助于政府机构、社会组织、新闻媒体等在对外交往活动中传播好中国声音,讲好中国故事,让世 界更多了解中国国情、历史和文化。

The Editorial Board of  includes Prof. Yuan Jixi, Prof. Wang Bo, Prof. Nie Changshun, Prof. Huang Youyi, etc. Prof. Yuan Jixi is the Professor at School of Chinese Classics and member of Academic Committee of Confucian Studies Institute of Renmin University of China and Visiting Professor of Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education Study Center of Peking University. Prof. Wang Bo is the Vice President and Professor of Peking University and Dean of the Confucian Studies Institute and Taoist Studies Center of Peking University. Prof. Nie Changshun is the Professor of Chinese Traditional Culture Research Center of Wuhan University and Head of Japan Studies Center Academic Planning Department of Wuhan University. Prof. Huang Youyi, the former Vice-Chairman of FIT and Director and Editor-in-Chief of CIPG, now is the Vice-President of TAC and Director of Expert Committee of CATTI.

《中华思想文化术语》编委会由袁济喜等人组成。袁济喜,中国人民大学国学院教授,中国人民大学孔子研究院学术 委员,北京大学美学与美育研究中心客座教授。王博,北京大学副校长、教授,北京大学儒学研究院院长、道家研究中心 主任。聂长顺,武汉大学中国传统文化中心教授、日本研究中心学术企划部部长。黄友义,曾任国际翻译家联盟副主席、 外文局副局长兼总编辑、

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