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Chinese Book for New Mandarin Language Learner: Contemporary Chinese Exercise book 2《当代中文 练习册2》

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《当代中文 练习册2》

Contemporary Chinese Exercise book 2

Contemporary Chinese is a series of educational material specially written for those who do not understand Chinese. This set of material consists of the word formation, auxiliary words grammatical units as well as the cultural background of different chapters. In order to train the students to master the Chinese pronunciation, and thus a list of pinyin pronunciation and the picture on how to pronounce the word is provided at the beginning of the chapter. This chart will be of great help to the beginners because the way of communication is the basic to master a language. This book consists of 12 chapters. Each chapter contains introduction to the sentence examples, the auxiliary word, grammar exercises and the simulated dialogue for student reference. Students are able to learn the China’s cultural knowledge of different varieties within a short period of time through exercises in the book. Moreover, students are able to learn the local language through this book too. This is the book that you shouldn’t miss if you wish to learn Chinese, especially the beginners. 

Published by Sinolingua

Suitable for : English learners learning mandarin(intermediate), HSK 2-3

* Please be informed that the textbook, CDs, and workbook are sold separately 

The selling price is RM 22 with a total of 92 pages.

《当代中文》系列书籍,是一套帮助不谙中文的人学习的辅助教材。这套教材的设计主要有,不同单元的语句构词、语法辅助、生词解释以及文化背景介绍。在正式进入单元前,为了训练初学者对中文语音的掌握,编者也针对汉语拼音发音,为学生做了详细的发音表,以及发声图片。这些图表将会对初学者有很大的帮助。因为掌握好一门语言,最先掌握的就应是其沟通方法。本书共有12个单元,每个单元有例句介绍、生词解释、语法练习以及模拟对话,供学生参考。这本《当代中文 练习册》便是帮助初学者在学习课本以后,能学以致用,打好中文基础的书籍。通过每个单元的练习,学生将在短时间内学会不同的中国文化知识,并且透过书本来学习当地语言,何乐而不为呢?如果您还在烦恼学习中文应该选择哪些书籍,就绝不能错过这套《当代汉语》系列了!


适合人士: 中文初学者


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