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《天桥》英语版 The Bridge of Heaven

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The Bridge of Heaven is a long novel written by S. I. Hsiung and was published in London in 1943. This "social satire based on history", with the mainline of the rise and fall of Family Lee, especially of the growth experience of protagonist Datong Lee, narrates a series of major historical events such as Hundred Days' Reform, Huanghuagang Uprising, Wuchang Uprising, the abdication of the Qing Emperor and the beginning of the Republic of China; and reflects the vicissitudes of dynasties and society in the early Republican period.)


熊式一,(1902-1991),江西南昌人,毕业于北京高等师范英文科,20世纪中国文学史上屈指可数的双语作家、戏剧家。西方文化界有“东林西熊”的说法——美国文化界佩服林语堂,青睐其《京华烟云》,英国文化界佩服熊式一,钟爱其《天桥》。英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德(John Masefield)、文学家威尔斯(Herbert George Wells)和中国学者陈寅恪都对《天桥》甚为推重,这成为熊式一英文创作的又一个高峰。美国文化界佩服林语堂,青睐其《京华烟云》,英国文化界佩服熊式一,钟爱其《天桥》。英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德(John Masefield)、文学家威尔斯(Herbert George Wells)和中国学者陈寅恪都对《天桥》甚为推重,这成为熊式一英文创作的又一个高峰。

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