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  • IGCSE vs HSK? 让孩子念国际学校后,仍然可以继续修读华语吗?

(Rewrite content) 夺标——IGCSE中文(第一语言)课程写作能力训练

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剑桥IGCSE的中文课程务为三个等级:第一语言(0509), 第二语言(0523)和外语(0547),其中第一语言( 0509)是最难的,这个学生是中文程度较高, 甚至接近母语。IGCSE中文第一语言(0509) 的课程设置包括阅读理解和写作能力, 阅读理解又分为两个部分:回答问题与概括性写作部分, 写作能力也分为两个部分:议论文和记叙描写文。

从课程设置我们可以看出,IGCSE中文第一语言(0509) 看重学生的写作能力。除了回答问题,其余三部外都和 “写作能力” 有直接的关系。对于国际学校的学生或生活海外的中国学生来说, 写作往往是他们最薄弱的环节,也是学生最怕面对的能力训练。所以,新大纲比旧大纲的难度系数更大,对学生的挑战也更大。

为了让学生能够更好地适应新大纲对写作的高标准高要求,也为了使学生在非母语环境下也能够提高自己的写作水平,写出达到课程要求的作文,我们决定对旧版《夺标》进行修改。通过对2018 年开始实施(2020 年首次考试)的IGCSE 中文作为第一语言(0509)课程新大纲中有关写作方面要求的分析,指导学生(1)对各种常见的写作文体格式加以认识和熟练掌握,(2)对引导式写作、议论文、讨论文(论述文)、记叙文、描写文的结构和写作手法有更深刻的了解。

适合: IGCSE中文(第一语言)考生 / 华小六年级以上学生参考

冯微微、何怡然编著,华语教学出版社 于2021 年出版

售价RM 88


Cambridge IGCSE has three levels of Chinese language courses: first language (0509), second language (0523) and foreign language (0547). The first language (0509) is the most difficult. The curriculum of IGCSE Chinese First Language (0509) includes reading comprehension and writing ability. Reading comprehension is divided into two parts: answering questions and general writing parts. Writing ability is also divided into two parts: argumentative papers and narrative descriptions. .

As we can see from the curriculum, IGCSE Chinese First Language (0509) places an emphasis on students' writing skills. In addition to answering questions, the other three sections are directly related to "writing skills". For students in international schools or Chinese students living abroad, writing is often their weakest link and the skill they fear most. Therefore, the new syllabus is more difficult and challenging than the old one.

In order to enable students to better adapt to the high standards and requirements of the new syllabus for writing, and to enable them to improve their writing skills and write essays that meet the requirements of the course even in a non-native environment, we decided to revise the old version of Taking the Standard. By analyzing the new syllabus of the IGCSE Chinese as a First Language (0509) course, which will be implemented in 2018 (the first examination in 2020), students will be guided to (1) recognize and master the format of various common writing styles,  (2) gain a deeper understanding of the structure and writing techniques of guided writing, argumentative essay, discussion essay, narrative essay, and descriptive essay.

Suitable for: IGCSE Chinese (first language) examination candidates
 Edited by Feng Weiwei, He Yiran, and published by Sinolingua Co., Ltd in year 2021
 The selling price is RM 88  




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