
Chinese Book for Business Mandarin: “Better Chinese, Better Business 1"《 卓越汉语 - 商务致胜 1》

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This book is the first volume of the series of excellent Chinese, business success, mainly for students with one year (680 hours) of Chinese learning experience or those who passed the qualification of HSK level 3 and above.

“Better Chinese, Better Business" series of textbooks is a set of teaching materials prepared by FLTRP for non-degree students to learn basic Chinese and professional Chinese in training programs.

It is a comprehensive business Chinese training material that prepared by the first-line teachers of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics-International Business Chinese Teaching and Resource Development Base (Shanghai), mainly for foreign countries that participate in training at home and abroad.

Students and business people learn to use business Chinese textbooks in five volumes, each teaching goal is consistent with the Business Chinese Test (BCT).  

The topics covered by “Better Chinese, Better Business" (Book 2) include:

i) Welcome and Farewell

ii) Accommodation (hotel booking & customer service)

iii) Business party (guest invitation & table manner)

iv) Shopping (price enquiry & after sale service)

v) Daily business operation (office communication & introduction to new staff)

This series of business mandarin combined business case teaching: text selection, comprehensive practice and other content combined with actual business activities. Students will learn professional Chinese vocabulary and professional knowledge, focus on improving students' reading and writing integration of business Chinese skills.

Editor: Wan Huiling, Zhou Hong

外语教学与研究出版 Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press

Suitable for : students with one year (680 hours) of Chinese learning experience or who passed the qualification of HSK level 3 and above.

The selling price is RM50 with a total of  210 pages.

If you face any problem on payment, shipping or wish to know more on the contents of the book, you always can reach us by clicking this Whatsapp link: http://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60166228057

《 卓越汉语 - 商务致胜 1》



这是一本综合性的商务汉语培训教材,由上海财经大学一线教师 - 国际商务汉语教学与资源开发基地(上海)编写。为学生和商务人士提供五册的广泛商务汉语教材,同时配合国家汉办之商务汉语考试(BCT)纲要。

《 卓越汉语 - 商务致胜 2》涵盖的主题包括:







适合:具有一年(680小时)汉语学习经验或通过HSK 3级及以上资格的学生。


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