
我的第一本中文故事书·成语系列——雪中送炭 My first Chinese story book, idiom series - Giving a Helping Hand

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《我的第一本中文故事书》借鉴国外学校已有的英文故事书的情节和特点进行编写,适合低龄的海外儿童学习汉语使用。每册书中出现一两个主题或者常用句型,将中国成语改编成简单的小故事,通过多次重复生字生词和句子,达到认识汉字、练习表达、了解中国成语的目的。 本书是其中一册《雪中送炭》,由张丽萍编著。

"My First Chinese Storybook" draws on the plot and characteristics of the existing English storybooks in foreign schools, and is suitable for younger children of overseas learning Chinese. One or two themes or common sentence patterns appear in each book, and the Chinese idioms are adapted into simple short stories. Through repeated repetition of the new words and sentences, for the purpose of understanding Chinese characters, practicing expression, and understanding Chinese idioms is achieved. This book is one of the volumes of "Giving a Helping Hand", edited by Zhang Liping.

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