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你看不见我 You can't see me

RM 39.00
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《You can't see me 你看不见我》由外研社出版,是西门老师所著的“福丫头双语绘本系列”中的第一本。故事情节有趣,英文部分采用英文诗体的押韵方式,读起来朗朗上口,节奏感极强。绘本由西门老师妻子精心绘制,结合中西方文化元素,创造出特别的绘画风格,并且可以在画面中找到很多有趣的情节,在这一本中,福丫头一直是在和小读者们玩捉迷藏的游戏,用画面与小朋友们进行互动。这个故事音频由Wiffle( 福丫头原型)和爸爸西门老师一起朗读,配合默契,发音更是绝对的标准。一起来听一听吧!

You can't see me, published by the FLTRP, is the first book in the "Fu Ya Tou Bilingual Picture Book Series" written by Mr Simon. The storyline is interesting, and the English part of the book adopts the rhyming style of English poetry, which makes it catchy and has a strong sense of rhythm. The picture book is carefully drawn by Mr Simon's wife, combining elements of Chinese and Western cultures to create a special drawing style, and you can find a lot of interesting plots in the pictures. In this book, Fu Ya Tou has been playing hide-and-seek with the little readers, using the pictures to interact with the children.

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